Monday, April 20, 2009

Team Switch: I am now on Team Phat Tuesday

Why Not the PMC Monsters?

Well, to make a long story short: The team that was the PMC Monsters was not sanctioned by Monster this year and that really put a crimp in things. Most of the members of the PMC Monsters are merging with another team. I decided not to follow them.

Phat Tuesday

I decided to leave what was left of the PMC Monsters and join a team called Phat Tuesday. They are a well established team in the town I live in, (Franklin, MA).

I’ve ridden on their Tuesday Evening Training rides for the past couple of years so they are no strangers to me. Their founding member has been riding the PMC for 22 years.

I am eager to get my hands on their website: This team is also lacking its own FaceBook page. I plan on fixing that :-)