Monday, April 23, 2007

Finally! A Nice Weekend!

Finally! A nice weekend up here in New England where I don't have to "Layer up" in order to go out for a ride.

Saturday Evening Ride

Saturday was a busy day. My father-in-law was in town and it was a perfect day to take the family to the Roger Williams Park Zoo. We spent most of the day there. I was able to squeeze in an evening bike ride. Only 12 miles, but enough to shake some of the cobwebs off ;-)

Sunday Ride with Kathy

Sunday I took Kathy out for a ride. She had recently gotten a new bike, a Seven, for her upcoming Iron Man Triathlon in Lake Placid (She is also doing the one in Hawaii this summer).

The ride was just over 30 miles and took us through Norfolk, Franklin, Wrentham, Cumberland RI, and back. I miscalculated the distance and made her late for a dinner appointment. Sorry Kathy.

Anyway, it was really nice to go for a ride and not have to wear three layers of clothing.