Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day Ride (...and Tendonitis)

The view from my Cell Phone Mount on my Handle Bars.

This Ride's Jersey:
In case you thought you saw me today, I was wearing this...

It was a very busy weekend. My mother was visiting, the grass grew 2 to 3 inches since I cut it last weekend, and I had to spread the last yard of mulch. Not to mention the Yard Sale we had on Saturday Morning and the Mother's Day Brunch we all went to on Sunday.

I still managed to get in a 28.6 mile ride in on Sunday afternoon. I had to put at least a little dent in this weekend's calorie consumption. I also needed an excuse to try out my new bike shirt.

  • 28.6 Mile Ride - east through Norfolk, MA then south west through Wrentham, MA and Cumberland, RI, then back through Franklin, MA.

It was a good ride and I was making good time until my knee started acting up @ mile 18. I was near the Ice Cream Machine on RT 114 in Cumberland, RI when it started to complain. I positioned my feet a little differently on the pedals and that helped a little. It is probably Patellar Tendonitis, I think I may have to adjust my seat position.

After reading this article, I find I may be guilty of the following:

  • pushing BIG gears - cadence too low
  • saddle too low or too far forward

Not to mention:

"As injury is generaly a problem of overuse, it is often seen in the cyclist just beginning a training program or early in the training season when the temptation is to do too much too fast."